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型号 生产商 产品描述
15317651 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FEMALE LT GRAY LAMP SOCKET WEDGE
12129494 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 3.80-2.45MM
12110853 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FMALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 4.20-3.00MM
12160781 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 20P MALE MED GRAY 100W SERIES 7.5AMPS
12089040 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals MALE TIN PLATED CBL RANG .80-.50MM2
12129228 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 32P FEMALE NATURAL MP 100W SER 7.5AMPS
15304716 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FEMALE TIN GT 280 CBL RN 1.00-.75MM2
12066337 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals MALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 2.76-1.70MM
12047581 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals MALE 150 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 2.40-1.84MM
12066493 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals MALE 630 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 5.25-3.49
12129025 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 32P FEMALE NATURAL 100W SERIES 7.5AMPS
12124977 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals MALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 2.20-1.30MM
13516907 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 16P BLK GT150 ASSY 15 AMPS
12146429 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING BATTERY TIN PLT
12015870 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 630 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 3.97-2.48MM
12124304 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 480 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 3.97-2.48MM
12129465 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING BATTERY TIN PLT
02977047 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 3P NATURAL MALE CONN 56 SERIES
15366684 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FM GT 280 GLD TERM CBL RNG 3.0-2.0 MM2
12048159 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals MALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 3.12-2.03MM
12146447 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 100 SERIES TIN CBL RNG .60-.35MM2
12129137 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK LT GRAY
12191448 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals F MP 480 TIN TERM CBL RN 5.00-4.00MM2
12020125 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals MALE TIN 630 SERIES CBL RN .80-.50MM2
12020351 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories ELECTRONIC MODULE
12064998 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 8P FEMALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12064904 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals SPLICE UNPLATED TERM
02984883 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P MALE BLACK 56 SERIES
15304730 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals MALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 1.85-1.20MM
12124417 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FM LAMP SKT WEDGE CBL RNG 2.40-2.03MM
15366066 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories LOOSE CABLE SEAL YELLOW
12015024 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 4P MALE BLK 20 AMP WEATHER PACK SHROUD
12146466 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING BATTERY TIN PLT
02962976 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals TERM RING STRAIGHT
02989637 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEM LAMP SOCKET UNPLATED
12092377 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P FEMALE DARK GRAY LAMP SOCKET WEDGE
12065685 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM BLK CON ASSY 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
15336177 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories GRN CONN GT SEAL
12059884 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P FEMALE BLACK MP 480 SERIES 42AMPS
12124518 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE TIN PLATED CBL RANG 3.65-3.49MM
02965143 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE TIN PLATED CBL RANG 3.65-3.49MM
02965446 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 8P FEM CONN 56 SERIES NATURAL
15393433 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 10P FEMALE BLACK 064 SERIES 5 AMPS
12103516 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING TIN TERMINAL CBL RN 1.00-.80MM2
12124519 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FM TIN PLATED TERM CBL RNG 3.65-3.49MM
02962987 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals MALE UNPLATED CBL RNG 3.05-2.48MM
12059885 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P MALE BLACK MP 480 SERIES 42AMPS
15304725 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals M TIN GT 280 TERM CBL RNG 5.0-4.0 MM2
08905116 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 3P FEMALE BROWN 56 SERIES
12065287 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P FM BLK CON ASSY 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
AW12P Amphenol Sine Systems Corp CONN RCPT WEDGE 12POS GREEN
12110847 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FMALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 2.64-1.96MM
12129938 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P M BLK CONNECTOR 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
12176852 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FM LAMP SKT WEDGE CBL RNG 3.12-2.03MM
12191900 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 12P FM BLK CONNECTOR GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
12047662 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P FEMALE BLACK 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
02962965 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P FEM CONN 56 630 BLACK
15304715 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FEMALE TIN GT 281 CBL RN .50-.35MM2
02977705 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE TERMINAL TIN
02965478 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P BROWN FEMALE 56 SERIES
12103513 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING TIN PLATED CBL RNG 3.00-2.00MM2
12092133 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P FEMALE BLACK 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
02984172 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals RING TIN PLATED CBL RANG 3.10-2.48MM
15317332 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors F 630 SLVR TERMINAL CBL RNG 6.00-4.00MM2
AW6P Amphenol Sine Systems Corp CONN RCPT WEDGE 6POS GREEN
02984017 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 6P FEMALE BLACK 56 SERIES
12020156 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 630 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 3.13-1.87MM
MX19P10K451-C100 JAE Electronics Waterproof Cable to Cable Connector Crimp Pin Contact
MX19S10K451-C100 JAE Electronics Waterproof Cable to Cable Connector Crimp Socket Contact
12077571 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONVIENCE CENTER BLACK
15300030 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM BLK CONN ASSY MP 280 SERIES 30AMPS
15304692 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 18P FEMALE BLACK MIXED SERIES 150/280
15423276 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories LT GRN CPA LOCK
12015378 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P M GRY CONN ASSY WP TOWER 20AMPS
15396849 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 6P M BLK CONNECTOR MP 150 SERIES 14AMPS
15326428 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals FEMALE GOLD PLATED CBL RNG 1.85-1.20MM
15332136 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 4P M BLK CONN ASSY GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
15492519 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 25P M BLK CONN ASSY MIX 280/480/630 SER
12065848 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories COMB SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12191544 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories FUSE BLOCK
12129082 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P F MED GRY CONN MP 280 SERIES 30AMPS
12186400 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P MALE GRAY 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12092605 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P F BLK CONN ASSY 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
02965471 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE UNPLT TERM 58 SERIES
12048087 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories LOOSE CABLE SEAL BLUE
12129022 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONN RETAINER LOCK CLEAR
15304908 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 30P FEM BLK CONN GT 150/280 SERIES
12064999 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12064765 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BLK SECONDARY LOCK
12066681 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FM BLK CON ASSY 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
12124811 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK CREAM
08911378 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories FITTING CONDUIT OUTLET RING
12129156 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P MALE MED GRAY 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12092162 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 4P FM BLK CONN 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12129565 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 4P FM GRAY CON ASSY 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12015344 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 6P FEMALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12059255 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CBL CAVITY PLUG GREEN
12129232 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories RETAINER LOCK CLEAR
15326801 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FM BLK CONN ASSY 150 SERIES 15 AMPS
15317807 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P MALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12064772 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLACK
12110138 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONVENIENCE CTR 30 FUSES
15424450 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE GOLD PLATED CBL RNG 2.50-1.96MM
12129946 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P FM GRAY CON ASSY 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12064764 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12162261 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 6P FM BLK CONN ASSY 150.2 SERIES
12020321 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE UNPLATED CBL RANG 3.95-2.55MM
12084167 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P M BLK CONN 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12015800 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P BLUE WEATHERPACK TOWER SERIES 20 AMPS
12092053 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CPA LOCK ORANGE
15317322 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 22P M LT GRY CONN GT 150/280 SERIES
12129373 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 150 SERIES TIN CBL RANG 2.20-1.30MM
15324197 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM GRAY CON ASSY WTHR PK TWR 20AMPS
12191217 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONNECTOR COVER ASSY
15443822 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 40P FEMALE BLACK GT 150/280 SERIES
15300002 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P MALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12162215 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FEN BLK CONN ASSY 150.2 SERIES
12160782 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 20P MALE MED GRAY 100W SERIES 7.5AMPS
12084910 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BLACK COVER
15326822 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P Fem Blk Conn Assy GT 150 Series 15Amps
15332161 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 12P FM BLK CONN ASSY GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
12191908 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONNECTOR COVER ASSY
12034170 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories INDVL CABLE SEALS ORANGE
12084166 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P M MED GRY CONN 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
02977233 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 6P FEMALE BLACK 56 SERIES
12176632 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK LIGHT GRAY
12084891 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P MED GRAY CON ASSY 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
13520101 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FEM BLK CONN ASSY GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
12048277 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE SILVER PLATED CBL RNG 5.10-3.55MM
15326623 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P M BLK CONN ASSY GT 280 SERIES 25AMPS
12077993 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FEMALE BLACK ASSY 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
12191172 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SEC LOCK BLUE
15459914 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 8P FM BLK CONN ASSY 280 SERIES 25 AMPS
12146047 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM BLK CONN ASSY 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12059254 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P MALE LT GREEN 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12191232 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories 1P LOOSE CBL SEAL ORANGE
12161187 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 15P FMALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
12077922 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12094441 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories TERM REMOVAL TOOL
12092054 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CPA LOCK BLUE
12177150 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals MALE 150 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 2.78-1.69MM
12059252 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P MALE RED 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
15492508 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BOLT
12047936 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLACK
12089678 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories LOOSE CABLE SEAL WHITE
12124824 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLACK
02989641 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 1P FEMALE BLACK LAMP SCKT HARDSHELL
12191497 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BASE 1 MODULE
12110645 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FMALE 280 SERIES TIN CBL RNG 2.64-1.96MM
15326762 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 30P M BLK CONNECTOR GT 150/280 SERIES
12176640 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SPACER
12176807 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories INDVL CABLE SEALS ORANGE
12059250 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P M CREAM CONN 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12191387 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 4P M BLK CONN MP 280 SERIES 30AMPS
12162196 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P F MEDIUM GRY CONN MP 150.2 SERIES
12052833 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P MALE BLACK 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12015199 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P FEMALE CREAM 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
15324456 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK DARK GREEN
12147060 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BLK SECONDARY LOCK
15332135 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 4P FM BLK CONN ASSY GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
12065171 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 1P MALE BLACK 280 SERIES 30 AMPS
15401440 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE TIN PLATED CBL RNG 1.90-1.64MM
12110057 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P FEMALE BLACK MP 800 SERIES 60AMPS
12065916 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FM 800 SERIES SILVER CBL RNG 3.65-2.50MM
12033871 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 5P FEMALE BLACK 630 SPECIAL SERIES
12034145 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLACK
12059472 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 7P FM BLACK CON ASSY 150/480 SERIES
12014012 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories TERM REMOVAL TOOL
13520906 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM BLK CONN ASSY GT 150 SERIES 15AMPS
15304903 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK GRAY
12064862 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 8P FEMALE BLACK 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12052643 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 2P FM RED CON ASSY 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12066591 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories TAPE ON GROMMET BLACK
12064905 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals SLICE TERMINAL UNPLATED
12015360 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories BLUE CABLE SEALS
12124685 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 3P FM BLK CON ASSY 630 SERIES 46 AMPS
12047782 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 3P MALE BLACK 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
12064763 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 6P M GRY CONN 150 SERIES 14 AMPS
15336037 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 14P FM BLK CONN ASSY GT 150/280 SERIES
12110112 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 32P FEM TAN CONN MP 100 SERIES 5AMPS
12048278 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals FEMALE SILVER PLATED CBL RNG 3.95-2.55MM
12059195 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12176538 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories ASM SHROUD/GSKT
15326863 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 16P FMALE BLK CN ASY 150 SERIES 15 AMPS
12129489 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 3P FM BLK CONN MP 280 SERIES 30AMPS
12146443 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories SECONDARY LOCK BLUE
12191914 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONN COVER ASSY LT GREEN
12092444 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Terminals M/P 800 FEM TERMINAL SILVER PLATED
12176636 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Terminals F 150SERIES TIN TERM CBL RNG 1.00-.80MM2
02973603 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 4P MALE BLACK 56 SERIES
12129183 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories CONN RETAINER LOCK BLACK
12177163 Delphi Connection Systems Accessories LAMP SKT INSERT LOCK BEIGE
02965454 Delphi Connection Systems Unsealed Connectors 2P FEM GRY CONN 58 SERIES
12077951 Delphi Connection Systems Sealed Connectors 5P FM BLK CONN ASSY MP 630 SERIES 46AMPS